A new project – healthy hair

So, I’ll give it a go. Starting this Weekend (slowly… first washing with shampoo every second day, then every third… and so on).

Some Background Information:

When I was about 15 or 16 my hair startet falling out in circular spots – Alopecia areata. I got treated with topical immunotherapy which helped my hair growing back. For a while.

It came back every other year (very often when I was stressed, which seemed to be triggering it). Then there was an interval of about 6 years with no problems and last year it came back just before I started planning my wedding (stress…). So again it was topical immunotherapy with nasty headaches and then finally my hair growing again.

I also had oily hair ever since the age of 14. I can’t remember if I first had oily hair and then started washing it every day or if it was the other way round.

I also must admit that I don’t feel comfortable if I don’t have the opportunity to shower every morning.

A few years ago (4 or 5) I stopped dyeing my hair, stopped using my straightening iron and hairdrier which already helped a bit (my scalp seemed to like not being exposed to very high temperature).

Then I started using natural shampoo whith no artificial stuff in it. My hair thanked me by being more wavy, sometimes even curly (depending on humidity) which made me like my hair as it was, without having to put in any styling products or having to use the maximum amount of time imaginable.

But still I usually wash my hair every day. Which makes my scalp dry and (on bad days) itchy right after showering. Though it gets oily really fast during the day.

And now I’m here. Let the “No Poo Era” begin. Wish me luck.