One Week & a Day of No Poo!
It’s been a week and a day today that I’ve been shampoo and conditioner free! I’m so excited and happy with my hair. It looks great! I know the greasy […]
It’s been a week and a day today that I’ve been shampoo and conditioner free! I’m so excited and happy with my hair. It looks great! I know the greasy […]
Today is day 11 of no poo! I prepared by going “low poo” for about a month before I switched completely, which definitely seemed to help. My hair got noticeably […]
So, I’ll give it a go. Starting this Weekend (slowly… first washing with shampoo every second day, then every third… and so on). Some Background Information: When I was about […]
Hello everyone, I’m a working mom with two beautiful kid. My husband always like my hair to be long and beautiful, but the problem is I’m not gifted and blessed […]
Has anyone ever tried the shampoos made from soap nuts. It’s expensive but it’s all natural. A company call Naturoli makes one and markets it through Amazon.com. I would like […]
About 3 months ago, I started losing my hair. I’m over 60 so that shouldn’t be a big surprise, but it wasn’t just thinning, it was coming out in clumps. […]
After starting no shampoo two weeks ago, I must admit, not everything has been fantastic! I added coconut oil to my routine to help combat the frizzy dryness (still haven’t […]
Huzzah! 5 days after I decided to try it, I’ve just done my third wash. The results are noticeable straight away, especially when, after work on Sunday, my hair didn’t […]
Leí sobre el método “no poo” hace unas semanas, en algún muro de Facebook. Siempre he sido de las personas que cuestionan lo establecido, así que de entrada me pareció […]
I’ve been a slave to the ‘wash-your-hair-daily’ routine since I was a child. My Mum always insisted on me washing it daily and now, at nearly 23 years old and […]